Saturday, December 7, 2019

blog 14 —turkey is gross and genocide too ! emanuelle sippy

Thanksgiving is not that different (on a surface level) from Jewish holidays every week—you eat too much food and sit around with people you enjoy or find annoying. It's nice to have an extra holiday. I’m all for days off, cooking, eating tons of potatoes and squash, and watching movies, but I wish Thanksgiving wasn’t rooted in the oppression of indigenous peoples !! I don’t know enough about this to ad-lib on my own, but pasting some info from a brilliant collective of womxn of color, led by Indigenous womxn. 

“‘Thanksgiving’ erases settler colonial histories of violence against Native peoples, including the Wampanoag, who were at the first so-called ‘Thanksgiving’ meal in the illustrious stories, movies, and tall tales we’ve been fed. After numerous massacres, selling Wampanoag peoples into slavery, decimating their numbers through disease, capturing them to be guides, and then King Philip’s War in 1675-1676 (which killed and enslaved thousands more Native peoples), the actual “Thanksgiving” meal was held in celebration of the Pilgrims’ horrific ‘victory.’”

Follow them on instagram and check out their website.

The realities of Indigenous (and all) oppression ought to coexist with American rituals. It's too bad that right now the plight of others is embedded so deeply in them, and we are indoctrinated (whether inadvertently or purposefully) to believe things like Thanksgiving are benign.  

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