Sunday, December 8, 2019

Assignment #9- Ezra Mulalic

War being apart of our history and always seeming inevitable, has affected the lives of many nations and places and the lives of many. These evil people never seem to disappear, as if they are in an endless supply. I wouldn't say that there is never a time for war, but I also don't feel that war is always the right answer. In the most dire situation where violence does not seem avoidable then I feel that war would be needed, this is not me advocating for war. War is completely terrible, killing other people for the gain of your nation is just horrible. I feel like there would be many alternatives to war, like if everybody had an expanded level of empathy. If people all around the world were just able to understand the feelings of other then that would clearly show everyone the problems with solving conflicts with war. So overall, war is never the right answer to any problem, but if there is a time where nothing else can be done there should we war.

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