Sunday, December 8, 2019

Assignment #14 - The 2nd Annual Turkey Bowl - Taylor Galavotti

To start this whole thing out, I am TERRIBLE at football. I suck. I can't catch or throw. All that said, I love playing football with my family.

About 3 years ago, our family started the Turkey Bowl because my younger boy cousins wanted to play more football after the season ended. So we went out to a big field and we all played flag football. I didn't really like it when we played the first time, simply because I didn't understand the sport (I still don't). But my team won regardless.

The next year, my immediate family stayed here in Lexington for Thanksgiving so we didn't play.

This year, though, our extended family went out to Virginia to spend Thanksgiving away from our houses. We decided to continue the tradition and found a driving range somewhere in the tiny town we were staying in to play football on. (There were golfers there when we arrived. They left soon after.) I don't know what I drank that day, but I was filled to the brim with energy. So I got really into the game. I was screaming and we upped the stakes to two-hand-touch. I actually caught a ball in the end zone which means our team got a touchdown! Now I forgot to mention Hannah Whaley was at this Thanksgiving adventure and she picked her team very well. By selecting the two smallest cousins  (Nicholas and Luke), she earned the sympathy points and the adults on my team refused to tackle them as they scampered on down to the end zone. I also selected my team members carefully. My oldest cousin (Matthew) didn't care at all about tackling his brothers, so he went crazy. Due to my crackhead energy, for lack of a better phrase, and Matthew's indifference to tackling, our team pulled out a win! So I'm the reigning champion, not to flex or anything.

All that mess to say that this tradition always brings our family a huge serotonin boost and we always end up tired but happy. While this tradition is only a couple years old, it never fails to make the holiday just a little bit better.

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