Sunday, December 8, 2019

Assignment 10-Clowns??- Sam Chavez

Do you remember that time for like 5 months, clowns were just hiding on back roads looking creepy and nobody really did anything about it? Yeah that was really weird and I'm very proud to say that me and my friends came across one on Delong road a few years back. It was about 12:15 on just a random October night on Friday. Me and four of my friends were driving along the outer stretch of Delong road headed back to Lexington from a party in Nicholasville. As we rounded a corner, there in our headlights was one dumb man in a clown costume standing there slowly tilting his head back and forth. At first we thought it was pretty funny because what's one creep going to do to us 4, right? Wrong, as 10 seconds that felt like 20 minutes passed, the "clown" eventually starts slowly coming towards the car. The driver had stopped when he first saw it of course, so what used to be 10 feet between us and the clown, slowly became 90. The wimpier of us started to yell at the guy driving to go around it. As it came closer and closer and the car didn't move an inch the panic inside grew and the driver still did nothing, only stared directly into its eyes. Before we knew it, it started to run directly at the car. As is was about 20 feet away, the driver finally stepped on the gas and drove around the clown. The disbelief of the oddity we had all just seen still sticks with us today, we even have a groupchat that's named after it.

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