Sunday, December 8, 2019

#13 - M'Kiyah Baird: Satire

Right, so I’m entirely done with men. They all seem to have some flaw that makes it that much harder to live peacefully on this earth. Women can’t walk down the street without feeling threatened, we have a certain beauty standard that we have to follow that was set to please men, and don’t even get me started on their politics. So my proposal? Kill all men. I mean think of all the benefits. 1 out of 6 women are victims of sexual assualt or rape. Kill the men and I think that would go down considerably. Rude teenage boys that say stupid things and do stupid stuff? Throw them out, too. Women have been trying to take a stand for a while and nothing has worked, and it isn’t even just women. Men are horrible to each other and have the audacity to say “boys will be boys.” The behavior isn’t acceptable, it never has been. We have this solution that seems to be the only way to get rid of the behavior. Get rid of the men. Maybe a few just to scare them into being good, and then if it doesn’t work we can just take the rest. Regardless, this is the way to go.

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