Sunday, December 8, 2019

Assignment 13- Annie Bohannon- Lets Level the Playing Field

So recently I’ve been seeing a lot more homeless people around then normal. Every time I see a homeless person I feel so bad for them. I mean it’s not their fault that jobs are hard to find and life is expensive in general. They must feel so bad getting handouts from the soup kitchen and getting offered money on the streets. Plus there’s the fact that some people think that they aren’t trying in life and that’s why they ended up the way they did. But that’s not the case. Sometimes life just throws people more challenges then to others and that’s just not fair. I mean why so some have to endure struggle after struggle while others just get to glide right through? That’s why I propose that everyone becomes homeless and then we are all on an equal playing field. This way no one has more hardships than someone else! It’s perfect! Plus people will stop thinking bad of homeless people because they are homeless too! It’s a win win solution!

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