Saturday, December 7, 2019

assignment 13 - teach the coaches!- cole knight

Greed. It disgusts me. Recognizing the value of one's labor has got to be one of the worst things that can happen to an individual. Thinking you deserve a share of what you produce? You've got to be kidding me! Is this the USSR? And it disgusts me even further that this Stalinist concept of self-worth is beginning to infiltrate the sacred grounds of college football. The last bastion of red-blooded American integrity. Where you put your body, mind, and future on the line for my entertainment with no expectation of return. So it makes my blood boil when I hear greedy coaches like Nick Saban and Dabo Swinney wanting to be paid for their work. Listen here, Nick, Dabo, and any other coach who seems to think that getting money for the hours and hours of work you do is anything less than a 21st-century bread line. You are already getting paid. You are learning teamwork, passion, competition: the sugar, flour, and water of a real man. You are gaining so much more than money can provide. College football is meant to teach boys how to be young men, and if we start to pay coaches, they'll instead be taught the values of selfishness and entitlement. The game will go down the tubes. Coaches coaching for money instead of the love of the game, being able to fill their stomachs at the end of a ninety degree two-a-day instead of learning the sacrifice of starvation, and, worst of all, taking money away from the students who need it the most. Think of what Clemson University could do with $10 million instead of paying it to some entitled brat named Dabo. Maybe they could put it to new textbooks or library renovations. But, either way, at least they won't be putting it in the hands of the person who truly earned it.

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