Sunday, December 8, 2019

Assignment 11- Sam Chavez- The Three amigos

AP Language and Composition. While I will not sit here and tell you that it is my favorite class, nor will I tell you that it keeps me awake or gives the motivation to take on the last 2 hours of my school day, the two guys that sit in the corner to either side of me do aid in making it more bearable. Each with three completely different personalities, seeing us three all converse is always a spectacle.

To my right, Max Carlson. A "quirky" oboe player who for some reason finds it comfortable to sit with his ankles at desk height and his knees under his chin. Nobody can ever guess what is going to come out of his mouth. Whether he asks if a snake could get itself out of a knot, or if uncrustables are a ravioli, there's always something that BEGS to be answered with, "shut up Max." He seems to actually know what he's doing when it comes to vocabulary and even some essays. Grading his vocab came as a shock to me too, I know. As a whole I think that the gum fiending and unique personality of Max gives me the occasional laugh that I need to grade more essays, even though I want to punch him every now and then.

To my left, Wes "West" or "Wesley" Davis. I KNOW that the random questions and constant conversations of Max and I annoy him from time to time, but he never shows it, and for that, I salute him. The independence, and confidence that Wes radiates every day never ceases to exist. For a while, I thought he was just a random stereotypical 'Academy Kid' that could never contribute to a conversation like the ones Max and I have. However I could not have been more wrong. Every day now Wes, Max, and I explore a different weird question such as, "if tomatoes are fruits, does that make ketchup a smoothie?" While I can tell that sometimes we get on Wes' nerves, or that maybe he finds our conversation too awkward, its always makes me proud when I can make him laugh. And getting to know him in 2nd and 5th hour of Junior year has been more fun than I ever thought it would be.

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