Sunday, December 8, 2019

Assignment 13- Just let them cheat!- Chuck Logsdon

As it stands America ranks embarrassingly low in education despite spending more than the majority of countries. Because of this politicians have been pushing for sweeping education reforms to help boost students performance. The main problem with these reforms is that they are actually rather hard to put in place and require a lot of work. If I were in charge I'd simply just let kids cheat. This method would drastically boost test scores there's no two ways about it. The system I would put in place to monitor this is that if a student doesn't know the answer to a question on a test they would be allowed to simply look at their peers answers, ask whoever is administering the test, or just look it up on their phone. With this new system in place we could also afford to cut down on education spending. America would be able to boast the highest test scores with minimal spending in education. Why has nobody thought of this?

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