Sunday, December 8, 2019

Assignment #11 - Luke Plummer - Ellis

Ellis. Is. The. Literal. Best. A top tier human being. She’s never gotten tired of my pointless comments, nor has she ever not been able to answer any questions I’ve asked. I ask her every day what time class ends. Not once as she made fun of me, nor has she seem annoyed with me. Ellis is super nice, smart, and talented. I’ve known Ellis since freshman year, if I recall correctly, we sat next to eachother in Colonel Browns class. Since then we’ve been friends.

If i had to characterize Ellis as a color, I would give her yellow. She’s always happy, and she has a really good laugh. I enjoy sitting next to her, I’m comfortable, and never feel unwanted. She’s a wonderful classmate and a wonderful friend. I think Ellis can do whatever she wants to do. In five years I see her doing amazing things, that not only make her happy but bring joy to many other people. Her personality is warm, she’s easy to talk to and willing to help others.

I would call Ellis a sea otter. Smart, happy, and loves others. She’s the best, the more you get to know her the better she gets.

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