Saturday, December 7, 2019

assignment 12 - don't know what to call this one :) - cole knight

What do I want my roommate to know about me? God, I don't know. I don't even know myself all that well. I know that's a cliche, but, seriously, how am I supposed to distill myself to 150 (?) words for an imagined stranger? I guess I just would want my roommate to know that I tend not to be very talkative at home but that that doesn't mean I hate them. I realize I'm a (probably way too) loud person in school a lot of the time. I'm trying not to be, but that's for another blog post at another time. But regardless of how annoying I am at school, I tend just to settle into a very boring, lonely rhythm. Not in a bad way; I'm not complaining, but most evenings consist of me watching football or basketball, listening to music, riding my bike, and not much else. I would love for my roommate not to anticipate an overly conversational Cole because I value that quiet time I get at home. So, I guess I want my roommate to know that, though I can be energetic, loud, and annoying around certain people, I tend to be pretty quiet during my down time, and that it's nothing against them if I am.

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