Saturday, December 7, 2019

blog 13—satire seasoning! emanuelle sippy

You know how we have a problem with single-use plastics?? Like every time I buy something even though I bring my reusable bags and go to crunchy grocery stores and buy the organic, plant-based food that is packaged more sustainably than other stuff is… so i was thinking in other countries they wrap stuff in banana leaves, but here, since the media sucks and all we could just wrap our food in newspapers, magazines, coupons. Like who wouldn’t love to have their crackers packaged in Trump’s face or celebrities’ dresses. I’d love receiving a present with the rundown of the impeachment hearings or the latest sexual harassment and assault allegations. Talk about avoiding politics at the table and during this holiday season?? We can just rip the news up and better yet, not recycle any of it either. I know I don’t need facts because they really are just fake news but my snacks do. 

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