Saturday, December 7, 2019

blog 12—hey yo, i’m a foodie-liberal-jew(ish)-mess, emanuelle sippy

so rommie, I’m really into cleaning and folding my clothes and doing laundry like once every few weeks. In the interim though, my floor (our floor ??) is covered. This tends to stress some people out when they peek into my room. Sometimes when I wake up the pigsty overwhelms me too, but i’m willing to work on it if that’s a problem pour toi. Oh yea, i inflect english with a mush of other languages when i feel like it. I have one spot in my brain for second languages so l’hebreu-franglais. Whenever I want to speak one, I speak the other. Tres penible. I’m jewish- agonistic, love making foodddd, talking about politics (progressive af), slacking off on things i don’t enjoy, to do things i do and convince myself it’s valid even when it isn’t. My ideal sleeping schedule is 3am-10/11am, but I’m okay with being in the dark and awake if you are an early birdy, although that probably won’t work well because when I’m awake I’m not super quiet. In fact, I’m not quiet, at all, pretty much ever. If I am, there is probably something (or many things) off. I love poetry and aRt and listening to random tiny desk concerts and being outside. Although my junior year enligsh teacher made us read something about how our idyllic notions of the wilderness are highly problematic so food for thought. #ireallyhopeyouareanextrovert  

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