Saturday, December 7, 2019

Assignment #12 - Megan Ewing - I’m an Altruist

As I’ve mentioned before, I suck at talking to new people. I also suck as talking myself up. As most of my friends know, pretty much everything I say about myself is negative. However, when I do have to “sell” myself to a stranger when I go to college, I suppose I’d lead with my nerdy obsessions. I love Harry Potter, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and many other classic nerdy stories. Then, I would go to talking about my Hogwarts house, which is Hufflepuff. For a true Harry Potter fan, that would show that I am loyal, hardworking, and tend to care more about others than I do myself. I would go on to discuss my other personality attributes, explaining my Myers-Briggs personality type and my Enneagram type. I am an ISFJ in Myers-Briggs, which means I m a true altruist, caring for others and never wanting credit. I’m also a type 9 from my Enneagram test, meaning I’m a peacemaker and I match closely with type 1, meaning I am a perfectionist. Overall, I’d try to talk up my altruistic nature but I’d probably end up just being self-deprecating.

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