Saturday, December 7, 2019

Assignment #11 - Megan Ewing - Some of the Best People I've Ever Met

I sit between two of the most amazing people I have ever met. Between their brilliant minds and their overflowing creativity, they’ve got it all. Wes Davis to my right and Taylor Gallavotti to my left. I suppose I’ll start with Wes.
I had never spoken to Wes before this year and I can’t imagine why. He’s such an amazing person and brightens up my day every day in Lang. And his theater skills are incredible. His acting, singing, and dancing abilities would outshine anyone on stage. But he’s so humble about all that you wouldn’t even tell in the classroom. There’s a lot more I should say about Wes, but I’m running out of time and this is already late. I have to move on to Taylor.
I’ve known Taylor since 6th grade, but we didn’t talk much until last year. I would account that to my own social shortcomings. Taylor is so brilliant but still self-deprecating about it. She’s on the Academic Team, as I also am (she recruited me this year). But unlike me, she’s actually good at. She also brightens my mood, even on some of the worst days. We also have Calc, French, and APUSH together this year, and she keeps me going throughout the day.
Overall, I am so unbelievably happy about the people the alphabet and fate have sat me next to in Lang this year. They are such genuine, uplifting people and I could not have asked for a better set of new friends.

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