Sunday, December 1, 2019

Assignment 10- Emma Lauritzen A cat named cat

Ever been to a costco. Well I live five minutes from one and every single time Im in there all I can think is " problem im going to costco."  I have the same enthusiasm about going to costco during the zombie Apocalypse as a payed football player who has just won the Superbowl has about going to disney world. However I liked the second prompt better and I didn't read it before writing this intro so im gonna switch because I can. BOOm.

So my dad had this cat growing up. After spending about 55 seconds thinking up a name for this cat, he decided to name it cat. Real funny dad. From what I know this cat was very cynical and liked to mess with people. When they got the cat my aunt had four young children (shes a lot older than my dad) but the cat really liked to torment the kids. Heres a list of what cat did:

  1. knocked over any and all apple juice (just apple juice, not milk, not orange juice) 
  2. shred any and all coloring sheets 
  3. knock anything off the shelves (this is in bold for a reason) 
  4. scratch the living hell out of those who angered it 
  5. bury dolls in the back yard 
  6. bring dead birds to my young cousins (how sweet) 
Cat died. Fast forward to three years ago, I was in my grandmothers giant garage that was detached from her house and I found a framed pictured of cat hiding in the back. Not knowing any of the context for why no body liked this cat, I thought she was cute so I stole it.
This would be a good time to mention that I collect snow globes and bath and body works hand sanitzers. I have over 30 of each. They sit on a shelf in my room, the very shelf where I put the picture of cat.
Remember earlier when I bolded number three on that list, well if you dont take a second and move your eyes up the page. Got it now? Great. That will now show its importance.
So it turns out when I brought that picture home I brought the ghost of that demon cat with me. For two weeks I woke up every morning to snow globes and hand sanitizers on the ground. For some reason it was only the ones next to the frame. It got so bad that I was awoken in the middle of the night to my 2 New York snow globe shattered on the ground, let me remind you I have carpet in my room so that cat from hell basically threw it on the ground. Long story short I threw the frame away, and stuff stopped falling off the shelf.
The cat however left me with a parting gift. I now attract ghosts, not the cool ones though, the stupid dead animals that are just trying to mess with me.

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