Sunday, December 1, 2019

Assignment #11- Emma Lauritzen- Samadaus Knight

So I sit next to Robert Coltrain Knight. I'm seated next to him a lot since we've gone to school together since we were nine and hes a Kn and Im an La. He also happened to be one of my best friends in middle school and my former dance partner. Its safe to say we are familiar with each others personalities.
Cole is a state champion debater, he is a member of the young dems, an avid cowboys fan, he likes sports, making fun of Chuck (and Ben and max and Ethan), and he was forced to cut his hair the summer before the first day or middle school and has refused to ever since. Overall, hes a good guy. I would say great but when you know someone that long there are too many memories or former phases that contradict that statement. He is a democrat who loves Bernie Sanders (dont ask him though unless you have a couple minutes to hear his opinions), he is a cat person. He is a very nice person who will ask you how you're doing even if he doesn't much care about the answer. I have never seen someone with his ability to become friends or at least relate enough to someone like, to the extent he does. You could quite literally place him in a room with anyone and come back in 30 minutes to seem them talking about absolute randomness. However I must warn you, do not get on his bad side. You would never actually know you were on it but anyone he regularly talks to would.
Here is where I would like to describe one of my favorite memories of Cole. When we were in eighth grade we were dance partners for a spanish festival. For months we had learned how to bachata, salsa, etc. We all looked great in our costumes, and for the most part we had  the dance down. There was this really fancy part where the guy spins the girl and dips her, and Cole and I had it down. The day of the performance was a mess but we all got on the stage and performed, when it was finally time for the spin and dip gravity must have not been on our side. He dropped me. On the stage. I will being this up whenever I can to embarrass him because it brings me joy.
Cole was also my partner for the baby making project in the genetics section of 8th grade science. We named our child Samadaus, which is what Cole was supposed to be named.
If he were a color he would be burnt orange.
I know that Cole is going to be probably one of the most successful people in our grade. I know that even if he doesnt turn out super wealthy he will have more success than all of us combined. He is one of the smartest people I have ever met and his persuasive abilities could get his elected president if he chooses that path. In five years he will be in college, he will probably be the leader of some important club and have some fancy internship. He will be just fine.
Cole if youre reading, Im sorry I exposed you, but you dropped me...on the stage. Merry Christmas

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