Sunday, December 1, 2019

Assignment #9- Emma Lauritzen Poison dart gun

1. Is there a time for war?
2. If there is a time, is it morally right and just or is is it the lesser of two evils?
3. If there isn't a time, why not?
4. Are there certain times when countries have a responsibility to go to war?
5. Are there any alternatives? Could they be more effective or less effective?

In middle school I used to throw parties, or as my mom called them "large hangouts" as to calm my father from the thought of parties in his youth. All students in my grade that went to Winburn were invited. Before these "large hangouts" I was tasked with removing all breakables. My family inherited many breakables after my grandmothers life long partner passed away, he traveled the world his whole adult life. Let me note that all these are real, this included a poison dart gun, several native american bows (and a bunch of arrows), lots of African weapons, etc etc. Basically lots of sharp pointy stuff, lots of sharp pointy stuff meant for war, at least that is what Bill, the previous owner, told me before he died. I resent these objects, don't get me wrong, they're super cool but I don't like war or violence or anger. 
Your question was in five parts, I will answer in five parts. 
One. Yes. There has to be because without war society cannot advance or change. We need war or at least we needed war to get to where we are today. I am a big believer in the we cant just remove something from the past to make the present better. War, sadly, got us to where we are today. 
Two. War has never been morally right, I doubt if you ask any soldier this question they would be able to respond, at least promptly, with a yes. I also do not believe that it is the lesser of two evils in most cases. I mean lets look at Vietnam, must I explain? I believe that war is the only way to appease the masses, war is a method of covering the giant canvas of world discontent and painting it to look like peace. 
Three. Now, there is not need for war now. There is no need for the united states to spend what it does on the military because the only real threats we have are ones we insight. 
Four. If you asked any modern US president they would say anytime as long as it makes them look good and "saves" a struggling country. 
Five. We have molded our society in such a way there are few alternatives. We have backed ourselves so far into a corner that peace is not even a word we know anymore. Compare it to NATO 2012, everyone agrees but they're forcing themselves to view it as disagreement so they can come out on top. 

Six. I am not the person to ask. But I will continue to look at the poison dart gun in my basement and think "did this kill anyone, and if it did, did they deserve it?" 

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