Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Assignment #7 - Wes Davis - Get In Loser, We're Having an Existential Crisis About College

Okay, we're gonna stop right here. Please, for the love of everything that is good and holy (aka MJ Rodrigues, Ariana Grande, and Laverne Cox - the holy trinity) don't say that word around me. College is commitment. College is stress. College is money I wish I had. All jokes aside, I hope wherever I end up, I'm happy and surrounded by individuals who lift me up and inspire my own personal development and development as an artist. 

The University of Kentucky? AMDA? Carnegie Mellon? I wish I could say I have a distinct plan of how my future will look. All I have are aspirations. I know I should have it figured out a little more by now, but, just like my astrological sign, I tend to stray to the more spontaneous side of things. This, paired with procrastination and a sprinkle of worry, could very well totally alter the future I see for myself. Instead of contemplating my ultimate demise as a college student, for now I'll just think about what I want out of college.

College should give me an incredible education in the arts. If I'm paying so much I better be getting my money's worth. I want fun professors and voice teachers I can goof around with. I want to be performing and be overwhelmed with opportunities. I want connections in the industry. I want community, I want chosen family. I want to be doing what I love, and be given the skills to do it for the rest of my life. I want it all, if I really think about it. My expectations may be high but I'm only matching that price tag. 

I worry that college might not be as useful for someone like me - debating a musical theatre or drama major - than someone making their first steps in the dreadful journey to becoming a doctor. However, I know that where I go (and if I go) I will have made the right choice. 

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