Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Assignment #8 - Buddy Goodwin - Pet peeves

Fears: disease, poverty, injury
Annoyances: Being ignored and when my brothers use my things
Accomplishments: Winning the state championship for lacrosse, having good grades.
Confusions: School, why teachers assign so much homework
Sorrows: Having a broken leg, Homework
Dreams: Play lacrosse in college, get college scholarship, get a good job, get married and have a family.
Idiosyncrasies: video gamer, procrastinator, hardworking
Risks: Skydive, swim with manatees
Beloved possessions: x-box, lax stick, car
Problems: procrastination

One of my biggest pet peeves and something that literally drives me insane is when my brothers use my stuff especially when they have their own set, pair, or individual thing that they are using of mine. This drives me insane. One reason I think it does so is because usually when my brothers use my stuff if it ever gets returned then it gets returned broken or in worse condition than when they got it. This is why I rarely give them permission to use my stuff however they still often do it. Also another reason why this drives me absolutely insane is because my brothers typically have their own thing that is the exact same thing as the thing of mine they are using. This gives them no excuse to be using my thing which drives me insane as well. Another thing that annoy me greatly is being ignored. I feel like it is disrespectful and for some odd reason it annoys me more than most other things.

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