Sunday, October 27, 2019

assignment #3 - cole knight - Lubbock, Texas aka Lub Vegas

God, I am a boring person. Once again, I have little to say on the subject given to me. My family doesn’t
have the money to be able to afford more than one vacation a year, and It’s always to Lubbock, TX. If
you’ve ever been to Lubbock, first of all, I’m sorry, and, second of all, you’ll understand my frustration
seeing everyone’s summer Instagram posts of idyllic beaches and beautiful sunsets while I’m left to
languish in 100-degree heat without water (or any other signs of civilization) for hundreds of miles. I
was, however, able to go to Milwaukee (surprisingly nice), Dallas (been there, done that, but still always
fun), and Minneapolis (beautiful, would have moved there if I could have) over this particular summer for
various debate tournaments. I met lots of incredible people. I kinda figured that national-level debaters
would be insufferable narcissists, and I was right! But the large handful of exceptions were really
awesome to be around, and it was foreign, but still hugely enjoyable, to be able to get myself out of
Lexington for more than simply a week of west Texas heat torture.

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