Sunday, October 27, 2019

Assignment #4- Ezra Mulalic- Garfield

While watching The Garfield Show when I was younger I just always believed that Jon, Garfield's owner, Liz, and just other humans could always hear Garfield when he spoke. Every time Garfield would "speak" or interact with other characters it always seems as if they were paying attention like they were in a conversation with them. My parents would always tell me that no human could understand Garfield but I was determined to keep believing that Garfield could speak with people. Determined to prove my parents wrong, I went to Google. I never would have thought that one Google search could destroy my hopes and dreams, but with that one search I found myself in Yahoo Answers. Being informed that Jon can't understand what Garfield says, but only understands his gestures and emotions, I felt defeated. My parents just laughing at me, all I could think is "Just wait till I get you back. One of these days I will, eventually." This is probably the first time I have questioned what my parents have told me, but it wasn't the last and it still probably won't be. I still love my parents, but I don't know if I will exactly believe everything they say. I know that one post on Yahoo Answers might have told me otherwise, but I will always believe that Jon can understand Garfield when he speaks.

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