Sunday, October 27, 2019

Assignment #3 - Luke Plummer - Down in the Dominican

A few summers ago my family had the opportunity to travel across the country and spend a week in the Dominican Republic. We stayed on a resort. The time I spent there was amazing, we scuba dove, played with monkeys, ate all sorts of good food, and snorkeled. While on the resort, everyone was happy, always smiling, and it was a good time. About halfway through our week, we had planned to go see the monkeys. To get there we had to ride a bus for an hour to get to the mountain that they lived on. While driving, all you could see were countless people who had obviously been working very hard for a very long time. These people looked worn out, they had little to nothing to wear, they looked hungry, and most of all they had this sad look in their eyes. Driving through all these kinds of people scared me. As a kid, I had take for granted the food that gets set in front of me and the house above my head. The experience was eye opening to me. Shortly after I started doing more things around the house, trying to help my little sister stay on top of her school work, and in turn try harder in school. I began to pay more attention in class, seeing as a lot of the kids I saw out of the country are not able to sit in a class. The whole trip changed my perspective on life, it inspired me to work harder and not take for granted what I have.

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