Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Assignment #9- Miller Luhan- Let's Take a Momentary Pause

This question is a challenging one. I grew up attending a Montessori school where arguments were settled with a peace bird that each person had to pass around while they discussed their feelings. While I like the reasoning of this tactic, many times it is difficult for you to evoke a response from someone who is not listening to what you're saying, or get them to stop their previous actions when resolved this way. On a smaller level, if a mother scolds her son for talking back, the son may not listen if she simply says, "Johnny please stop doing that, you're hurting my feelings," versus the latter, "Stop before you get yourself grounded!!!" and simultaneously stomping her foot and screaming. While there are arguments that either are more effective, I, myself, find that I am not one to go up against a raging mother.

In terms of war, peace is a large belief of mine, and with recognition of terrorist groups inflicting harm for no apparent reason, it is unreasonable to think that war is good. But, there are many different types of warfare- aerial and chemical and electronic and biological and nuclear, and Guerilla- and can I stop now? It's equally exhausting and saddening to keep going, especially considering the amount of lives that have been lost with each throughout history. But, as an innately positive person, I think that people have the ability to be lovely beings if raised and taught in the correct fashion- in other words, everyone has an opportunity to become the best person they can possibly be with the help and facilitation of society and culture.

In my mind, the acceptance of war is viable in situations concerning civilian safety. As with the attacks on Pearl Harbor- our country, our government, our Congress- had the right and reasonable thought to declare war on the Axis powers. So, overall, I believe that on a day-to-day basis, people should strive halt and refrain from violence, but in large scale catastrophes when danger is present to the public good, war is acceptable when done in a way that is only against militaries, not between civilians.

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