Monday, October 28, 2019

Assignment #5 - Max Carlson - Too much TV?

TV is taking over the modern world. If you ask the average American what they do in their free time, (other than phone use) watching TV would probably be the next answer. TV was and is an amazing invention. It allows for mass media, lets the nation be more informed as a whole, and allows for entertainment across the country and world. TV lets the world as a whole unite and creates empathy across nations and cultures. It provides students in the middle of Kentucky to learn and actually see whats going off across the world in Africa or whats just south of us in South America. It also though, provides a platform for large companies and corporations to advertise products to the masses. This allows large corporations to grow, but also feeds capitalism. It's important to weigh those two consequences against each other, but I believe TV is a net positive definitely.

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