Monday, October 28, 2019

Assignment #6 - Max Carlson - What science has meant to me

Since I was around 10 years old, I have known how my brain worked. I'm an extremely logic-based thinker. When I'm confronted with a problem, I logic my way through it until I inevitably come to a solution. This has led to some difficulty in math classes, especially with teachers who wanted things done their way with their formulas. Because this was the way I've always thought, science has always been a strong suit for me, particularly chemistry and, recently, physics. The problem solving aspect of the sciences has always had a draw on me, and is a big reason why that's one of the high points of the day. Those subjects just make sense in  my weird logic-driven brain. These classes allow me to just sit down, do my work my way, and figure the questions out how I need to. I'll always have a respect for all of my classes, and try in all of them, but Science will always have a very special place in my heart.

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