Sunday, October 27, 2019

Assignment #8 - William Webb- Impact of failure

#8 Ever since my younger years, I’ve always had a fear of what's to come. My future although I can’t see it nor do I know what it is, it is present.  The idea whether I shall “succeed of fail” is always lingering in my brain. I’ve become immersed in myself and I how I can prepare myself for the future.  Consistently working out, studying, watching film, eating (a lot), and etc. These present tasks that I partake in everyday, but all essentially preparing me for the future so I can succeed and stay clear on my biggest fear. FAILING.  Failing itself is nothing but a lesson from witch you should learn from. But if u prepare and prepare and still fail, what should be learned and taken into consideration for NEXT time? Myself and a few of my teammates from football (take note: only a few) this season have become immersed with this very question.  What is all this preparation and constinusincy of failing going to result in? What lesson will be learned? That were going to have to try even harder than what is human possible? Although the answers to these questions may seem unclear at the time and this very moment ALL fails and failures are for a reason. They’re apart of the PREPARATION. 

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