Sunday, October 27, 2019

Assignment #5- Ezra Mulalic- The Good Ones

I watch TV as a way to past time, and look for a good laugh. Whenever I'm doing something like homework or chores, I need some background noise or I start to get too bored. This is where I turn on the TV, and start watching a series or movie. I might not completely have full focus on what is happening on the television, but I can just get an idea of what is happening. If there is a show that I really want to watch then I prioritize that over homework or chores, that show practically becomes my top priority. This is how I felt watching The Office, Parks and Recreation, and Seinfeld all for the first time. These shows were always able to make me laugh and keep me focused. When watching The Office I couldn't wait for Michael to say his next "That's what she said" joke, or for Kramer to enter Jerry's door in his unique way. I would always cherish these moments, and when I would watch the series again, I loved seeing these events that I loved so much happen again. Television has been embedded into our culture and the online world. I feel that television is a great form of entertainment.

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