Sunday, October 27, 2019

Assignment #6- Caroline Blitch- Can't Commit to An Interest

What are my interests? A question I see all the time. When filing out silly “About Me” slips every year on the first day of school. When talking about college majors and career paths and what we want to do with our lives. You’d think I would have a pretty good answer to this question after being asked so many times. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. I am jealous of people that have something that they are so passionate about that they are driven to pursue it no matter the obstacles. This certainty is something I lack. There are plenty of things that “interest” me, that I enjoy, that seem pretty cool. But more often than not when we are asked to list things that interest us, we are essentially defining ourselves by these interests. There is more gravity to the question than is apparent at first thought. My interest in cycling and cassette tapes is not exactly what colleges are looking for and if I go with my standard answer of neurology and chemistry I worry that those topics will bore me eventually or that I am closing myself off from something far greater that I have yet to discovery. 

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