Sunday, October 27, 2019

Assignment #8 - Taylor Galavotti - what's crackin...?

Fears: Dying, Failure
Annoyances: People walking slowly in the hallways, People talking during movies when they're aren't subtitles on the screen
Accomplishments: Having friends, keeping all A's, watching Sherlock through 4 times
Confusions: Why people can knowingly deny other people basic rights, how artificial flavoring works
Sorrows: body-image, not being "real"
Dreams: London, an apartment filled with books, friends when I grow up
Idiosyncrasies: reading??, being too early to events, dork
Risks: trying to finish 4 more blog posts before midnight
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then: a stuffed duck, my books (then) Apple iPhone 8, my books (now)
Problems: procrastination (there's a lot more, but this is the first one that came to my mind)

If it's not evident by the time stamp on my last 4 blog posts, I'm not too fantastic at time management.  Each weekend I told myself, "Do your blog posts. It'll take you but 15 minutes and then you won't have to worry if they're due Sunday October 27th at midnight or Tuesday October 29th at midnight and you won't have to work up the courage to ask Mr. Logsdon about which day they're due and then you won't have to feverishly type out FOUR WHOLE BLOG POSTS in about an hour."

Well, hello. It's Sunday October 27th at 10:08 PM and this is the last blog post I have to write. I've done three so far. I started at around 9:00, I believe. I was really trying to keep on top of my assignments, try out this "chunking" thing that all the teachers sing the praises of. Yeah, it didn't work.

I guess Netflix won out this time as it has every time. It's either Netflix, or this new historical fiction book I just checked out, or Instagram, or trying on just about every piece of clothing in my closet, but something can always win my attention over long-term assignment. It's all about self-control or so I'm told, but I could pound a whole box of Oreos without thinking twice if that tells you anything about my self-control, or lack thereof I guess.

But, hey, I did it, right? I think that's better than not doing it at all. And I know you've probably heard this line seven ways to Sunday, but I think I do my best work under pressure. Something in my endocrine system just sends a barrel of adrenaline coursing through my veins and all of the sudden 4 blog posts, 50 key terms, and presentation on Poisson d'Avril are done at 1:16 AM and I'm awake enough to watch Infinity War once more before they take it off Netflix for good. I don't know what it is, but if it ain't broke don't fix it, right?

Wrong. I know, I know. It's definitely broke.

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