Sunday, October 27, 2019

Assignment #5 -William Webb- Television Targets

#5 The reasons we watch television may be unclear to many, but the social and emotional characteristics it brings to viewers has a great impact.  Much of the programmes we watch, whether its sport based or purely for entertainment, have basis for social status that it’s viewers retain. We want comfort and familiarity, to feel that we are among friends, to be connected to the wider world, or to experience excitement or explore worlds beyond our immediate existence.  
This is the exact reason I, myself watch television.  My favorite baseball team the Yankees just fell short of the World Series this year, and as I watched them battle all year round, I couldn't help but idolize and but each one of the players on a peddle stool that myself was not on. This is by far the greatest reason for why I enjoy watching TV.  But this not the case for other people. Some people enjoy watching television shows that themselves can relate too, which allows for a whole different brand viewers that are targeted.

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