Sunday, October 27, 2019

Assignment 10- I’m going solo- Sneha Amrit

I’m not gonna lie I’ve thought about this a lot and put in a lot of research. So, I’m gonna have to leave my family behind because I’ve detailed my plan to them and they don’t want to partake in it. They’ll be too much of a liability in this high stakes situation. My mom wouldn’t want to go anywhere cold, my sister would just complain, and my dad would try to change my plan. So I go alone I hop in my car with my zombie survival kit that I already have in my trunk. I has an emergency blanket, first aid supplies, and some non perishable snacks. Now if the zombies are far away I got to Costco and stock up on more, if it’s too late I head straight up North to Canada. Zombies typically are going to want to go to densely populated areas so that they can get more brains, but I will be living in the middle of nowhere in Canada where it’s not too cold and not too warm (I won’t be disclosing the exact location) near a stream so I can fish and grow my own food making me self sufficient and safe.

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