Sunday, October 27, 2019

Assignment 8: Annie Bohannon Gas Stations :(

Fears- Drowning, Being alone, 
Annoyances- bad refs, mean people
Accomplishments- playing varsity lacrosse
Confusions- gas stations 
Sorrows- forgiving people 
Dreams- good job and kids
Idiosyncrasies- colored pens
Risks- ziplined
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then- heated blanket (now), my old dog (then)
Problems- procrastination

Ever since I started driving I have hated gas stations. I hate just standing there pumping gas staring away trying not to make eye contact with the other people filling their tanks. Once I sat at the gas station for 30 minutes because I couldn't figure out how to open the gas tank in my moms car. Embarrassing I know. My poor dad had to drive all the way to Georgetown to save me from being stranded there with no gas. Plus gas is so expensive. The other night, on my way home from practice I stopped at a tank and when I tried to insert my car to pay it said it was already paid for. Boy, I thought it was my lucky day. Free gas, it really couldn’t get better than that. Then, gas started spewing out of the tube that connects it to the car. It went all over me all over my clothes and I couldnt figure out how to stop it. When it finally stopped and I was drenched I went inside to tell the worker what happened. I asked if my car was going to blow up and his response was “probably not”. Not exactly the most reassuring response. These are just a few stories of why I hate gas stations and why they confuse me. 

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