Sunday, October 27, 2019

assignment 8—emanuelle sippy— inspired by the Atlantic

assignment 8—emanuelle sippy— inspired by the Atlantic
Fears: people i love not being with me, illness, lack of progress, isms, “pimping out trama,” the military industrial complex, our inability to address poverty, gun violence, climate change, etc.

Annoyances: not being able to sleep / wake up, people expecting me to be on time, HC badges, plastic everywhere & all the time, people getting credit when they don’t do anything, when restaurants mess up my food esp. with fishhhh, ugh, or meat 

Accomplishments: making good food, conversations where multiple parties learn / change, feeling like i’m done with a poem, reading the last page of a book, march for our lives, supporting friends and family, SVT, writing, editing, photography (occasionally) 

Confusions: why smart people get stuck to seemingly stupid ideologies / ideas, why i can’t stop procrastinating esp. calc. and physics, how to do things you don’t want to do when you also don’t need to, why the world is insane, conceptions of the self/god/love…

Sorrows: missing people i love… many same as fears, idk why that is but it is 

Dreams: work on act and activism, find an imbalance that works

Idiosyncrasies: making tea, a lot of the same type, to avoid homework, going on slack and zoom and doing all work except school stuff until midnight or so, using the least dishes possible to avoid having to wash them, my room is either insanely clean or a pigsty—no in between 

Risks: i don’t really think i’m a risk taker although i love adrenaline 

Beloved possessions: my hula hoop (then), photos, jewelry and recipes that have been passed down, my water bottle and stickers on it ! (now)

Problems: saying no, being satisfied, being quiet  

The November cover of the Atlantic was a yellow background and Jeff Bezos. Meh, right? To make it more intriguing his bald spot is covered in the artists’ perceptions of his thoughts. After looking at it for no more than a few seconds, my friend decided it would be entertaining if we did each others’. Mine ended up 70% roast, 30% toast. Some highlights: I’m bad at’s my challenge activity- leeme check slack-how can i use the fewest dishes possible-biking at the Y-all fish smells like sh*t- so let’s start unpacking why your views about the occupation, no, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict lack the nuance necessary for a solution-lemon ginger tea-Minnesota-sorry i can’t i already have to be on a call and at a Jew-thing at that time-makes plans without time/place/location-Adrienne Rich. This characterization was somewhat funny, pretty accurate, and totally frank—I hope. It makes me think about all the categories because whenever I can’t sleep (“ever #4am,” according to my friends) they are why, and although one advocated for burning them, I kind of want to keep it forever, embarrassment and all. 

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