Monday, October 28, 2019

Assignment 8-Emma Lauritzen, Baby boomers vs me

Fears: my future, clutter, hospitals, suffocating, not being remembered when I die, not being good enough
Annoyances: people who don't take others into consideration, strong scents, chapped lips, baby boomers who come into chipotle, being too hot or too cold, socks that are too big, foot tapping, people who are fake, being asked what my accomplishments are. 
Accomplishments: still being alive, being healthy
Confusions: life its self, my future, why there are so many types of cereal, if this is all secretly an illusion
Sorrows: Alan, eighth and ninth grade, many regrets
Dreams: To be happy for a long period of time, to own a goose, to own a lot of dogs, to leave an impact on the world and to be remembered after I die
Idiosyncrasies: weird medical conditions, eggs
Risks: become a nomad, not go to college, drop out of the academy
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then: my dads record player and collection, bun bun, friendship bracelets 
Problems: I have no motivation

Annoyances: Baby boomers that come into chipotle-
In the nicest way possible I hate baby boomers as a whole the same way they hate technology. Now, its not all their fault-they grew up in a different time. They grew up with family businesses and "nice people," they had to work really hard (or so they say) for what they have in life. This excuses some things, like expecting above and beyond service at chain fast food restaurants and hating the kardashians. They also grew up with blatant government sanctioned racism. This does not excuse being racist, "it was a different time" is not an excuse for treating people unequally and making off hand comments. This is mostly directed at my grandparents who will still say the n-word when telling stories from the past, and who dont like immigrants. This hatred stems from them and is projected on the old people who come into my workplace and call my colleagues racist nicknames and say "sorry were old." I dont like old people (like 68 and above) because quite frankly I dont have anything in common with them and they dont have respect for me. Bernie and RBG are exceptions.

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