Sunday, October 27, 2019

Assignment #3- Ezra Mulalic- My Family and Me

Coming from a family where both parents were born in Bosnia, I have had cultural interaction with life than most people have. My parents were forced to leave their homeland due to the Yugoslavian war that tore up the country. My parents being forced to leave the country were lucky enough to go to America. Most of my dad's side of the family stayed in Bosnia, while a lot of my family's side came with them to America. This decision of them staying has caused some problems for visiting, because my mom's side lives close to us but my father's side practically all live in Bosnia. My dad's sister family lives in Maryland and we usually visit them yearly, but we haven't gone to Bosnia for a while. The last time I remember going to visit them was when I was around 6. Bosnia might not be the wealthiest country, but it is beautiful. My parents are from Velika Kladusa, and it is mainly just farm land. This experience has shown me how lucky I am to be able to live in a country like America. The war the tore up Yugoslavia, was one over religion. Bosnia being a Muslim country, and my parents being born Muslims was a tradition that ended with me. My parents stopped being as religious as they were once they got to America. They probably believed that religion is what causes problems, and that has affected how I view things.

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