Sunday, October 27, 2019

assignment #10 - cole knight - ALL CAUGHT UP BABY

Alright, ok, almost done. Again, I’m sorry, but I’m gonna pick the blandest prompt here and go for it
because even though I am almost caught up, I’ve been sitting here for, like, two hours just crankin’ out
these blog posts, and I don’t think think I have the mental fortitude to write a ghost story or observational
comedy right now. Next time. Anyways, my biggest fear is that I won’t make an impact. I don’t think I’ll
wind up being especially famous, but I do think that there is a lot of problems in the world today that
need to be fixed, and maybe this is just some white knight complex of mine, but I don’t see many people
advocating for legitimate solutions, so I want to be the one to solve them. Obviously if someone else
comes along and solves them I’ll be thrilled, but I honestly see only one (maybe two) people in American
politics even trying, so the prospects are kinda bleak. And if I die without seeing those solutions come
to fruition, or at least without seeing my own impact being made towards achieving those solutions, I
would feel as though I failed immensely, and that scares me.

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