Sunday, October 27, 2019

assignment #2 - cole knight - I don't read

I’m not gonna lie. I don’t read much. I honestly do like to read, but whenever I pick up a book with pages
and my lights are just too dim to read comfortably and the introduction drags on for a paragraph too long
and the main character’s name has been said one too many times, I just want to put the thing down and
watch Netflix. Is this something I should be admitting to a teacher? Probably not. But while I may be
horribly irresponsible about reading, one thing I’m not is a liar. So, Mr. Logsdon, truthfully, the only books
I’ve read in the past twelve months have been required for school and I haven’t loved any of them. My
favorite was probably Sea of Poppies, which I read for Mr. Wise’s World History class. It was definitely
the most interesting read of the bunch, and, since the book was divided into a series of novella-style
stories, the boring sections were sparse, the annoying characters were only around for one section, and
the read was a lot easier and more enjoyable than a 500-page dirge about 19th-century England (Great Expectations, I’m lookin’ at you.)

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