Sunday, October 27, 2019

Assignment #9- Haley Noehren- Peace, Please

I don't stay updated on politics. I never have, it's just too confusing and way too much to take in at once. That being said, I certainly don't lack opinions. When it comes to war, I believe it should be strongly avoided. If no one has done something extremely wrong or purposely attacked us then there is no reason to fight. I get it, we want to help other countries resolve their conflicts and make them better. That being said, there are many of other ways to help people out than inserting ourselves into a war. The idea of peacefully handling situations doesn't just apply to our country though, there should be an international movement to avoid war. War should be a last resort, something that is reserved for the worst situations possible.  That idea needs to be spread all over the world, so that peace becomes a priority and war withers away. There are alternatives to war. While I'm no political genius, having conferences and summits to discuss conflicts and clear any misunderstandings seems like a step in the right direction. Like anything in this world, change will be slow. Making the decision to turn to peace isn't going to happen overnight. But I hope it's possible. One day I hope there will be more talk of peace than violence and war

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