Sunday, October 27, 2019

Assignment #7- Caroline Blitch- College Requirement #1: Mashed Potatoes and Banana Pudding

I know I’m supposed to keep my options open and not get “dead set” on one college but it’s easier to have a college in mind as I start imaging the next “phase” of my life. It’s also easier to pick a college so that I don’t have to continue to discover colleges, research their programs and scholarships, and compare them to other schools. I say this with uncertainty but, I know where I’m going to college. I know the dorm building that I will live in freshman year is right next to the cafeteria with killer mashed potatoes and banana pudding (two essentials for finals). I know that I won’t be too far from home. My parents will be happy that I’ll be able to visit without a plane ticket and I’m happy that I (hopefully) won’t have to take out loans for just an undergraduate degree. However, I will be far enough away to gain more independence. I’d say I’m naturally a fairly independent person but sometimes it is hard to be with my family. It’s great to have parents that care enough to be involved but having the space to make my own mistakes and learn from them is something I hope college will provide me. I love being able to say I can do something by myself or figuring out a problem myself. I think about this when my brother comes by the house weekly to pick up food my mom made and take it back to his apartment. While college is primarily meant to further our education in school subjects, I’m excited to learn “street smarts.”

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