Sunday, October 27, 2019

Assignment#2 - Buddy Goodwin - I like good books

Three books that I have read in the past 12 months are I hunt killers by Barry Lyga, Enders game by Orson Scott Card, and Fire and Blood by George Martin. These are three of my favorite books that I have read in the past twelve months. One thing that is common throughout these books is that they are all fictional books. They are also books that are filled with action for the most part. This makes sense since my favorite books are fictional books filled with action. Another book I've read in the past 12 months is named Boy 21 by Mathew Quick. This book is another fictional book I liked however it is also a sports book and I felt like I could connect with it.

While fictional books tend to be my favorite genres of books about six months ago I read the book The guns of August by Barbara Tuchman and surprisingly liked it. Last spring Mr Wise made me read this book for an assignment and before reading the book I didn't really think I was going to like it because I don't tend to find non-fictional books interesting. After I started reading it however, I started really enjoying the book. I ended up learning a lot about World War 1 and really loved the book.

In addition to these books, in the past year I have read multiple textbooks. While I don't tend to find these books the most interesting I do find that I end up learning a lot from them and that they are very beneficial for me.

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