Sunday, October 27, 2019

assignment #8 - cole knight - sorry the formatting is so ugly on this one

-Fears - Dying before the Cowboys finally get their act together and win a Super Bowl, not having an
-Annoyances - When people try and sound really smart but just wind up diluting the actual meaning of
what they’re trying to say and making their message totally inaccessible
-Accomplishments - Ate a ghost pepper, beat Ethan in wrestling (quite a few times)
Confusions - science
-Sorrows - Lost, irretrievable friendships
-Dreams - win the 2020 NCFL national championship in Lincoln Douglas debate / get top 14 at NSDA
national championship
-Idiosyncrasies - mismatched socks / cleaning my ears a lot (gross, I know, I’m sorry).
-Risks - I honestly don’t take many, which is one of the things I most want to change about myself.
-Beloved Possessions - Now: don’t have many. Maybe, like, my wallet or something. Then: this weird
blanket/football thing. It’s honestly probably my most beloved possession today, too, just for sentimental
-Problems - I don’t take risks and I think I’m starting to go bald.

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