Sunday, December 1, 2019

Blog 14- Thanksgiving- Sneha Amrit

My families Thanksgiving is usually pretty small, all of our extended family lives abroad so it’s usually just us and some of my parents friends. My mom is always worried that we won’t be able to cook a turkey all the way so we just get a rotisserie chicken from Costco instead. This year however we will be going to India over Thanksgiving break. This means that while I won’t be having a thanksgiving dinner I will be able to spend time with my extended family which is something that I don’t typically get to do. I love the holiday spirit, but I think it is absurd that on Thursday everyone is talking about how thankful and content they are, but then the next day people are running each other over  for a flatscreen TV. I wish that we spent more time actually being thankful than just thinking of the new sale and new items to be bought for the next Holiday of Christmas which should also be about gratitude but has just become another cornerstone of capitalism.

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