Monday, December 2, 2019

Assignment #14 - Wes Davis - Stuffed

My Thanksgiving, honestly, is pretty stereotypical. My family of five pile into my Mom's red Dodge Charger and bicker our way to my Grandparents' house. Once there, we combine whatever food we prepared with the heaps of food my Grandmother made. I genuinely don't know how she does it. She cooks everything that one would expect to be on a typical Thanksgiving menu. Not only does she prepare a wealth of food, but it all has a trademark touch. I'm not sure how she does it, but everything she makes tastes like she made it. It's not only delicious but very impressive. My Grandmother's cooking is definitely my favorite memory of every Thanksgiving. 

After we chow down and catch up for an hour or two, my family piles back into the red van, stomaches full, vision swimming with nausea from eating far too much food. We return home, only to later return for dinner. My Grandmother never prepares more food (trust me, it's definitely enough) so we just try to finish off some of the food from earlier. After chatting and debating some more, we finally head home, ready to sleep all that food away. 

Other than heading to the Grandparents' house for Thanksgiving, we don't really have any other traditions. The day after Thanksgiving, however, we usually decorate for Christmas. Some years we are a few days late, but it's always on our minds. 

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