Saturday, October 26, 2019

Assignment #2- Ezra Mulalic- The Old Times

For the past year, I haven't read too many books but I have seemed to go back my origins of Dr. Seuss. My favorite books from him are One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish and The Lorax. These books seeming pointless to many, hold a great importance in my past. These books are what transistioned me into what I read today. With the reading assignment given through the recent years, like The Great Gatsby and the summer assignment The Teenage Brain, all I can think is why can't we return back to The Green Eggs and Ham and The Giving Tree. Why can't we return to a simpler time, with thirty paged books, and the cute pictures. With these longer books, I find it harder for myself to stick through the whole book without stopping it. While I was reading Lord of the Flies, I found myself bored and wanting more from the book. It was moving too slow, and half way through I just dropped the book. I quickly picked up my phone and found a summary of the ending. That summary was worth more to me than reading the book. Why can't we just return to the good times, were books didn't bore you with the length but had a certain short cuteness to them.

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