Sunday, October 20, 2019

Assignment #8- Miller Luhan- The Nail Biter

Fears: Not being able to breathe, living without the people I love
Annoyances: When people are selfish, when people create drama for no reason, when someone has the hiccups
Accomplishments: Being a decent golfer, 4.0, having good relations with my parents
Confusions: People's behavior, political polarization, the cost of college
Sorrows: Eating unhealthy, doing bad on a test
Dreams: To be super fit as an old person, have a great paying job, and have a supportive husband with kiddos
Idiosyncrasies: Biting my nails, making my bed before I sleep, moving my hair behind my shoulder
Risks: Driving, telling someone I like them
Beloved possessions, now and then: My family and friends (now), pink baby (then)
Problems: Being (not bad enough for diagnosis) OCD- needing everything to be clean and organized (usually only in my room and car), stressing about little things, being cold, annoyed easily

"Quit biting your nails!" screams my mom from the other room as a tear off the last piece of non-existent skin on my finger. I usually just look at her and say "I know, you tell me all the time," and she responds with "Then why do you keep doing it?"
Honestly, I don't know why I bite my nails. I try to decipher the cause by thinking through all the situations I am in when I catch myself. There's no clear link to each of the occasions no I have ruled out being bored and stressed.
Much like anything else, if I set my mind to it I can stop- I've gone through those phases before- but they're usually temporary. It's a difficult habit to break but my mom yelling at me to stop isn't helping, I really just need self-determinations so that my hands don't look stubby the rest of my life.

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