Sunday, October 20, 2019

Assignment #8- Haley Noehren- My Obsession with Hoodies and Leggings

Fears: life changing injury, violence/ being a victim of violence, and heights
Annoyances: people tapping my shoulder/poking me, having to repeat myself, and loud chewing
Accomplishments: good grades, having great friends, and being a good-ish runner
Confusions: politics and how to correctly use an apostrophe
Sorrows: lacking confidence, regrets, and overthinking literally everything
Dreams: get a job I love, have a family, and be generally happy with life
idiosyncrasies: color coding everything, playing with my hair, and making sure my glasses are always (relatively) clean
Risks: deciding that it would be a great idea to take the AP exam for AP physics
Beloved possessions: my family and friends (now), a stuffed animal snake named snakeit (then)
Problems: being patient and understanding, only wearing leggings and a hoodie, and being stressed about anything and everything.

My freshman year I made a goal, dress nice and wear jeans. That goal lasted most of the year until I discovered the wonderful world of the hoodie. Fast forward to sophomore year and when the weather got cold enough, I began to wear hoodies and leggings more often than my mother would have liked. Many mornings when I would walk downstairs she would look at me and remind me that I certainly had other clothing to wear. As the year progressed I found myself slipping into a paradox; I would set out a nice outfit the night before school and then wake up the next morning lacking any effort and default to wearing a hoodie and leggings. Then to add to the problem, sophomore year got harder, so I stared to 'dress for comfort' as a lame excuse to give minimal effort in my outfits.  Now, I don't really care what I wear and my mom has given up on trying to make me dress nice. I will admit it's become a problem, and I should probably consider dressing nice. But I also value staying warm and comfortable so the leggings and hoodies are here to stay.

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