Friday, October 18, 2019

Assignment #8-Emma Shadwick-Swimming with pigs

Fears: losing a close family member, not getting into my dream school, drowning 
Annoyances: fake people, people who never ask how you are doing, clowns
Accomplishments: all A’s my whole life, offers to play college volleyball, having good relationships with my sisters/parents 
Confusions: relationships 
Sorrows: patience problems, quick to judge sometimes 
Dreams: never make a B in high school, play college volleyball
Idiosyncrasies: organizing my shirts and pants by color
Risks: swimming with pigs in the Bahamas
Yes, regardless of what you might think, this was a very risky endeavor. When we took this trip, we pictured a beautiful, isolated island where we could sail around and find more beautiful, isolated beaches. The first part came true. The second, however, did not. One day we were cruising around and came across the most peculiar of sights. Picture this: a picturesque island with palm trees growing every which way and white sand surrounded by crystal blue water. What we didn’t expect was a huge colony of pigs roaming around the island. On top of their being a large number of these pigs, they weren’t little either. Each was probably around 150 pounds. They weren’t shy-if they saw you had food in your hand, they would charge. My 7th grade 120 pound self was quite intimidated by this. However, I also got to hold the very docile piglets that were resting in the shade while their mothers were charging tourists for food. Overall I enjoyed swimming with the pigs in the Bahamas. It was a very unique experience.
Beloved Possessions: now-friendships, then-stuffed animal named Mimi
Problems: stubborn

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