Friday, February 7, 2020

Blog 18- Bucket Lists- Sneha Amrit

High School Bucket List
  • Pass all my AP tests
  • Go on a trip by myself 
  • Have fun senior year
  • Get better at ice skating
Listen, I am a lover of me time. I need at LEAST one hour of me time per day. My life has exponentially improved since I got noise cancelling airpods. My ideal vacation would be by myself, everything would be up to me and I would be able to do whatever I want without anyone bothering me. It really doesn't matter where I go so long as it is solo.

College Bucket List
  • Study abroad in Costa Rica
  • Get a scholarship 
  • Make Friends
  • Get on the bachelor
A couple of years ago we went on a family vacation to Costa Rica and it was probably my favorite trip ever. Everyone is so happy there and everyone was super pretty, so I’m hoping if I study abroad there I’ll become like that. Maybe I’ll finally get good at Spanish while I’m there.

Life Bucket List
  • Have a pet dog
  • Have financial stability 
  • Have a job that allows me to travel
I want a dog SOOOO bad, but my mom thinks they are the spawn of Satan so it’s just not going to happen while I’m living with her. The first thing I’m going to do when I have the means is get a dog. My dream dog would be a Japanese chin hair because they’re small, quiet, live long, are hypoallergenic, and travel well. These traits me I’ll be able to bring my dog with me when I travel.

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