Saturday, February 22, 2020

Assignment #21- Miller Luhan- From a Child To an Adult In a Matter of Months

When I was in the 6th grade, my dad moved to College Station, Texas to attend Texas A&M and receive a doctorate in architecture. Looking back on this now, it was not that big of a deal, but as an 11-year-old I found this the most daunting situation. It seemed this way because my mom is an architect as well- only she is not so much in academia, she is a renowned leader of a business firm called CGL Ricci Greene (a national corporation) that requires her to travel outside of the good ole Bluegrass every week. 
Now obviously at this age I couldn't drive, and it would be unreasonable to leave a child at home alone for long periods of time, so my parents hired a caretaker to drive me to and from school, and live at my house rent-free. She was a college student though, living her own life, having her own social events, and studying hard. that being said, my parents didn't expect her to collect all of the slack around here. I soon became responsible for getting the dog walked, cooking dinners (unless we ate out), becoming my own time manager of homework, practicing my sports (which at the time was baseball and golf), and cleaning, along with numerous other things. Now, of course I missed my dad with only seeing him like 6 times that year, but seems like blip in the road looking back on it. Overall, through that experience, I blossomed from a child into an independent and responsible "adult".

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